Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bored on the Week Before Finals

So, it's the week before my finals start, that means it's crunch time, WOOHOO...not. So far this week, I have managed to skip most of my classes in favor of sleeping and studying basically 24/7. This week they were thankfully just doing review for finals in most of the classes so I just go to the few that I think I need help with and otherwise I just try to keep my mental sanity in tact, which often proves more difficult then it sounds.

Also, in news this week, I have switched my laptop to Kubuntu 8.04 instead of Ubuntu 8.04 just to try something new. So far so good, it has some quirks I'm not a fan of, but nothing I can't live with for now. Hopefully I'll find fixes for what I don't like in the near future.

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