Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Found an interesting video on Youtube today, actually, I found it through my digg feed, but you know what I mean. The video is called "Imagining the 10th Dimension" and it shows a very interesting concept that personally, I had never considered before. The idea that there are not a mere 3 or even 4 dimensions, but that there are a whopping 10 possible dimensions. It gives a great graphical explanation of how it works and it's really fascinating to think about. While I was watching that, I found another video that was in the related sections on the page that went to a video titled "Why Stop at Ten Dimensions?" which is an interesting v-blog from the author of the "Imagine the Tenth Dimension" blog. Props to him for elaborating very well on the topic of the tenth dimension and why you almost certainly have to stop there unless you can imagine the possibility of there being existence beyond the beginning and the end of all matter and the universe.

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